Ayurvedic Supplements To Boost Immunity And Reduce Frequency Of Common Cold

Body has a defense mechanism which protects one from virus, bacteria attack and infections. Those who eat healthy and do regular exercise have strong immunity. Nutrient deficiency lowers down antibody production by body cells. Immunity becomes weak in the following conditions:

1. Those who eat sugary foods a lot not only gain weight but sugar also hamper the ability of white blood cells to fight bacteria for the next few hours.
2. Not drinking enough water creates less urine and it is necessary to produce urine in optimum amount as toxins flush out of body with urine only. Presence of toxins in body also create problem in overcoming illnesses.
3. Increase in weight causes hormone imbalance and inflammation which impair the ability of immune system to fight infections.
4. Dryness in nose allows virus to enter in body easily without getting trapped in mucus in nose.
5. Stress and tension for long time weaken the response of immune system.

One can use Imutol capsules which are powerful ayurvedic supplements to boost immunity. These supplements provide vital nutrients which are essential for running functions of body. This also helps one to overcome various deficiencies which affect the defense mechanism of body. These supplements improve absorption and metabolism of nutrients in order to supply energy to body cells which produce antigens and develop muscles. With increase in blood circulation, production of antibodies increases. Frequency of illness reduces which prevent fluctuations in healthy growth of a person. These supplements improve functions of spleen, tonsils, lymph nodes and bone marrow which are involved in maintaining defense mechanism of body.

One also gets relief from weakness that happens when one falls sick. Also, regeneration of cells and tissues get speed up which help in fast healing of wounds, cuts, injuries, etc. One also gets protection from toxins and free radicals which cause cellular damage. Bowel movements become regular with which toxins from body are excreted regularly and this is also supportive in increasing immunity of body.

These ayurvedic supplements to boost immunity contain the following herbs:

1. Tulsi – It contains antioxidants and vitamins which improve respiratory system, fight infections and pathogens and detoxify body in order to balance various body functions. It also helps to reduce frequency of common cold naturally.
2. Kutki – This herb purifies blood, enhances cellular growth, speeds up tissue regeneration and keeps body organs healthy. This herb is an antibiotic which possesses anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties.
3. Shatavari – It promotes overall well being and health. It also provides nourishment to brain cells and helps to produce a fluid that supports brain to govern body functions. Hence it is included in making ayurvedic supplements to boost immunity.
4. Abhrak bhasma – This herb increases red blood cell count and oxygen carrying capacity of RBC’s. It is an excellent nerve tonic and cellular regenerator.
5. Chitrak – It improves metabolism and this produces more energy for brain cells. It improves antioxidant action and this prevents damage to brain cells from free radicals and toxins.
6. Suvarna bhasma – This ingredient nourishes neurons and increases brain power.
7. Kesar – It promotes overall well-being of a person and its active components prevent effects of free radicals in body.
8. Anantmula – It treats disorders related with gas, heat and metabolism in body.

These herbs are mixed with extracts of Haridra, Daruharidra and Nimba to produce Imutol capsules which are effective ayurvedic supplements to boost immunity. Use these ayurvedic supplements for 3 to 4 months regularly to achieve long lasting results.

Getting started with Selenium


To start with selenium webdriver, you need to have the following items installed on your machine.

JDK (java 1.8 preferable)

Selenium libraries (Nowadays there is single jar ‘selenium-server-standalone.jar’ is enough unlike earlier period where we need to install multiple jars),

Browser drivers (.exe of chrome driver, ie driver, gecko driver)

Eclipse IDE

Now that you have downloaded the minimum required elements to start writing selenium code, so let’s start by setting up the environment:

Now select a java project:

Give the project name and finish.
Now configure the build path where you need to set your downloaded libraries i.e. selenium jar files, also need to set JDK and JRE path in the java compiler section. Right-click on your project and build path and configure build path.

Now select the libraries tab above and click add external jars. Add your downloaded selenium jars here:

Also now don’t forget to set your compliance level as per your JDK and JRE version.
For all your latest version of selenium, make sure the compliance level under the java compiler section must be set to java 1.8 or above. Ignoring this might lead to a “class not found” run time exception during running your selenium test script.

Now that you have set libraries and compliance levels, it’s time to write your first selenium code using java.
Right-click on your project and select create a new class.

Give it a name, check “public static void main..” , click finish. You are creating a sample test, where we are not using any testNG, cucumber, or maven therefore we need to include public static void main in our first class to run the test as the java execution will begin through the class where the main method is defined. In subsequent lectures, when we use testNG, cucumber, Maven, we will not use or include the main method as our execution will be taken care of by testNG or cucumber.

Now it’s time to write our first test script which simply opens the browser and navigate to the site specified in the script. We’ll write the code and understand the meaning of each one of them.
In our class, first include the required packages and classes which come with selenium libraries.

Now at class level, that is inside the class but before the main method, declare a webdriver instance variable:

Webdriver driver;

Now inside our main method, write code to set system property:

Here setProperty method is accepting two parameters in the form of key and value. The first one is the string parameter in which we are telling that we are going to use a chrome driver, and the second is also a string parameter where we are placing an entire path till the driver’s exe.
Now in the next line, we’ve initialized the driver with chromeDriver. This piece of the line will open the chrome browser upon execution. Now our browser is open, and we want to navigate to any site. This task will be done by driver.get(“”); method. So driver.get(“”) will land us to the specified URL.

INTERVIEW TIP: Why we cannot write Webdriver driver=new Webdriver();

Since webdriver is an interface therefore we can create its instance variable but cannot create its object. i.e. we cannot write Webdriver driver=new Webdriver(); this will throw error. We can rather write Webdriver driver =new FirefoxDriver(); or Webdriver driver=new ChromeDriver(); or Webdriver driver =new InternetExplorerDriver(); These FirefoxDriver, ChromeDriver, and InternetExplorerDriver are the actual classes which implement the webdriver interface and provide implementation to its methods. So we are assigning the instance variable of webdriver to its implementation classes.


In this lecture, we’ve installed basic minimum items required for running and executing our first selenium script. We’ve installed JDK, eclipse, selenium libraries, drivers exe’s for browsers. We’ve created a java project, set all the libraries in our project’ build path, created a class, and imported the packages and classes needed to execute our test script. We’ve written the code to set system property, initialized our driver object, open the browser, and finally lands at the site specified in the driver.get(“”).

The Enormous Health Benefits of Eucalyptus Essential Oil

There are numerous health benefits to be derived from eucalyptus essential oil. Unlike all other sources of essential oil, the primary source of this oil is very unique. It is derived from the dry leaves of eucalyptus tree leaves. It is one of the most beneficial essential oils globally that can treat various types of ailments.

Aside from being an agent in fighting various ailments, Eucalyptus can also boost hair moisture and keep your hair shining at all times. Other usages of the multidimensional oil also include cooking and skin treatment.

With further scientific researches on eucalyptus essential oil, it is evident that what is known today is only a meager of what can be derived from its usage.

Usage of eucalyptus essential oil?

It has been established that eucalyptus essential oil is used for medicinal and non-medicinal purposes. The following are some of the ailments that can be treated, managed, soothe, and improved with the aid of this essential oil when used independently or mixed with other contents.


Eucalyptus is highly effective in treating coughs and flu. As an antiviral agent, it helps in losing a tight cough and clearing phlegm following a cold.

Upset stomach

An upset stomach causes a lot of pain and ruins an already planned schedule. Eucalyptus contains pain-killing contents, which makes it ideal in handling any case of an upset stomach and managing pain that may arise due to an upset stomach.


Infections can be of any kind. To use Eucalyptus, you can either ingest or apply directly to the skill in its complete form. However, it is best to ensure the Eucalyptus has appropriately diluted until it is safe for usage.

Burns treatment

Eucalyptus essential oil has a clean and cooling effect that enables it to soothe pain caused by burns and helps the skin recover fast from the impact of the burn.


Eucalyptus is also used in treating acne and skin oil due to its natural astringent contents.

Respiratory and tract infections treatment

Eucalyptus leaves oil also contains contents that can alleviate asthma, pulmonary, tuberculosis, and whooping cough. It can also be used as a firewall to prevent sinus health.

How to Use Eucalyptus Essential Oil?

Diffusing essential oil in classrooms, offices, and homes helps improve a straightforward thought process, calm the nerve and reduce anxiety. It also helps in enhancing the brain connection.

You can use Eucalyptus directly with warm bathing water after it has been appropriately diluted. Eucalyptus essential oil can be mixed with pure oil using almond oil as a compliment. For bathing, add a minimum of 10 drops and a max of 14 drops to your warm bathing water before usage.

Eucalyptus can also be used as massage oil. It is highly effective in calming the nerves, treating muscle soreness, relieving stress, and aiding blood circulation to the brain.

Side effects of Eucalyptus:

Before taking Eucalyptus orally or applying it to the skin, you must ensure the oil has been appropriately diluted and safe for usage. Below are some of the side effects of Eucalyptus if it is not used wrongfully:

Upset Stomach

Eucalyptus essential oil has been used for decades as a medical leaf. With further scientific research still ongoing about its efficacy, a lot is yet to be discovered about its benefits to human health.

Despite the efficacy of Eucalyptus against different ailments, users must be cautious about its usage, especially when diluting it with other oil. Before applying Eucalyptus, users must ascertain whether it has been diluted adequately before application on skin or oral use.